Friday, April 29, 2016

7 Pains You Should Never Ignore

7 Pains You Should Never Ignore

See which painful symptoms could indicate a health emergency.
Pay attention to your body’s signals.
The everyday aches and pains you’re used to could indicate a health emergency.
Usually a headache is just a headache, and heartburn is nothing more than a sign that you rang the Taco Bell once too often. Except when they’re not.
Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right. More often than not, you have some idea of what’s behind it. But when it comes on suddenly, lingers longer than usual, or just seems different, it calls for medical attention—and the sooner, the better. According to our experts, all of the following pain conditions should be considered red flags.
1. Chest pain
“If patients were to become well versed in what I think of as the subtle language of the heart, many could avoid needless worry and expense,” notes Arthur Agatston, MD, a preventive cardiologist. “Studies have found that women experience a wider range of heart attack symptoms than men do.” In Dr. Agatston’s experience, there are three good indicators that something isn’t right, and they can occur in either gender. They are chest pain that doesn’t go away, varied shortness of breath, and any upper body pain that hasn’t occurred before. If you experience any of these symptoms, he says, you should call your doctor or 911 immediately.
2. Severe head pain
Chances are, it’s a migraine. But if it isn’t accompanied by other migraine symptoms (such as a visual aura), sudden, severe head pain can signal a brain aneurysm. “A burst aneurysm can cause brain damage within minutes, so you need to call 911 immediately,” advises Elsa-Grace Giardina, MD, a cardiologist and director of the Center for Women’s Health at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.
3. A throbbing tooth
It’s likely that the tooth’s nerve has become damaged, probably because the surrounding pearly white enamel is cracked or rotting away. Unless you get it patched up quickly, bacteria in your mouth can invade the nerve. And you definitely don’t want that breeding colony to spread throughout your body, says Kimberly Harms, DDS, a dentist outside St. Paul, Minnesota. If your tooth is already infected, you’ll require a root canal, in which the tooth’s bacteria-laden pulp is removed and replaced with plastic caulking material.
4. Sharp pain in your side
You may just need some Beano. But if you feel as if you’re being skewered in your right side, and you’re also nauseated and running a fever, you could have appendicitis. For women, another possibility is an ovarian cyst. Typically these fluid-filled sacs are harmless and disappear on their own. But if one twists or ruptures, it can cause terrible pain.
In both cases, you’re looking at emergency surgery. “If you don’t remove an inflamed appendix, it can burst,” says Lin Chang, MD, a gastroenterologist and co-director of the Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women’s Health at UCLA. A twisted cyst also needs to be removed right away, as it can block blood flow to the ovary within hours.
5. Abdominal discomfort with gas or bloating
For the past month, you’ve felt gassy and bloated more days than not, and it takes fewer slices of pizza to fill you up than it once did. If the symptoms are new, the worst-case scenario is ovarian cancer. In 2007, the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation released the first national consensus on early symptoms of this form of cancer: bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, and difficulty eating. If you start experiencing them almost daily for more than two or three weeks, consider it a red flag. Schedule an appointment with your ob-gyn to discuss your symptoms.
6. Back pain with tingling toes
If you’ve just helped your cousin move into her new fourth-floor apartment, anti-inflammatories should banish the pain. But if they don’t work, hobble to an orthopedist. “One of your discs (the spongy rings that cushion the bones in your spine) could be pressing on the spinal nerve,” says Letha Griffin, MD, an orthopedist and sports medicine specialist in Atlanta. Without proper attention, you risk permanent nerve damage.
7. Leg pain with swelling
Your calf is extremely tender in one location, noticeably swollen, and red or warm to the touch. You might have deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), commonly known as a blood clot. Resist the urge to massage the area or to try walking off the pain. If the clot breaks free, it can travel through your veins up to your lungs and cut off your oxygen supply. Instead, see your doctor right away. He or she will do a CT scan or ultrasound to check for a DVT. If that’s what you have, you’ll need to take blood thinners—sometimes for up to a year—to dissolve it, says Suzanne Steinbaum, MD, director of women and heart disease for the Heart and Vascular Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

5 Spices to Heal Tooth Ache and Infection

5 Spices to Heal Tooth Ache and Infection.. 

Tooth ache is a very common problem and caused by many reasons. Lack of oral hygiene reflects through aching tooth, infection, cavities, etc. Infection in your mouth also leads to tooth ache. Aching teeth troubles you a lot and restricts your activity as you cannot resist pain.
You can get instant relief from tooth ache. Following are the few spices that help you get relief from aching tooth and also treat infection.
Clove, also called as Lavang is a very popular spice in India. Used for medicinal as well culinary purpose, clove is the primary remedy used to eliminate tooth ache.
Just hold one or two cloves inside your mouth on any side (or either side) where you suffer from pain. Swallow the juice and don’t spit it. Clove produce an aromatic chemical, called Eugenol. This chemical kills the bacteria, reduces inflammation of the gums and eliminates pain. You can hold it in your mouth for around 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat it twice or thrice a day.
Unlike clove you may not have clove oil handy. If you have clove oil, soak a cotton ball and place it for a few minutes inside your mouth.
Fresh Ginger Root

An instant cure to tooth ache. Remove the skin of ginger and take one piece of fresh ginger root. Just bite down the ginger and let the juice spread in your mouth. Ginger is a hot spice and you may find it a bit hard to accept the flavor and warmth of ginger. But it works quickly and you will get rid of pain within a few minutes.
Remember, ginger also fights tooth infection.

Garlic has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties which fights infection and reduce the pain. Just take a few garlic pods, peel the skin, crush it and place it inside the cheek. Alternatively, crush the garlic and extract the juice, apply directly on the painful area.
Black Cumin

Black Cumin mentioned here is called Nigella Sativa, a spice that cures everything but death. Dry roast two teaspoons of black cumin and powder it. Add the powder with 5 teaspoons of vinegar and heat it until turns warm. Don’t overheat the mixture. Add salt and warm water to dilute the mixture.
Rinse your mouth with this mixture. Repeat the procedure once in an hour. You will find relief from pain very soon.
Cubeb appear similar to black pepper but with a tail. It has milder warmness than the hot pepper. Crush the corns and make a paste with water or vinegar. Apply the paste on the painful area. In less than 30 minutes you will be relieved from pain.

Ear Care Tips you must know

Ear Care Tips you must know

Cleaning your ears

  • Clean your ears with extra care. Wipe the outer ear with a washcloth or tissue. Do not put anything into your ear smaller than your elbow. Do not use Q-tips, bobby pins or sharp pointed objects to clean your ears. These objects may injure the ear canal or eardrum.
  • Earwax is the ear’s mechanism for self cleaning. If you have a build-up of wax that is blocking your hearing, see your doctor to have it removed.
  • If you experience itching or pain in your ears, consult with your primary care physician to determine the appropriate treatment and to determine if you need to see a specialist.
  • If you have pierced ears, clean your earrings and earlobes regularly with rubbing alcohol.

Illness and Medications

  • Reduce the risk of ear infections by treating upper respiratory (ears, nose, throat) infections promptly.
  • Some illnesses and medical conditions can affect your hearing. If you experience sudden hearing loss or have constant noise in your ears or head, see an ear doctor promptly.
  • Drainage from the ear is not normal and usually suggests infection. See your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Some medications can affect hearing. Take medications only as directed, and consult your doctor if you experience unusual hearing, balance problems, or ringing in the ears.


  • At home or work, wear hearing protection during exposure to loud levels of noise. This includes mowing the lawn, leaf blowing or using power tools. By law, a noisy work environment requires use of hearing protection. Hunting shops and some garden centers carry ear-protecting headgear.
  • Ear buds, such as those that come with an IPOD or MP3 player, do not protect your hearing. Also, listening to music while using power tools is dangerous to your hearing and should be avoided.
  • When using stereos and home theater systems, avoid high volume levels. If you think it is too loud, it probably is.
  • When using personal sound systems, the volume should be at a comfortable level. If someone else can hear what you are listening to, the volume is too high. Remove the headphones from time to time to give your ears a rest.
  • Wear earplugs at rock concerts, nightclubs and motor sporting events.
  • Keep automobile sound systems at sensible volumes. This can help you avoid hearing damage and allow you to hear and yield to emergency vehicles.

Safety Issues

  • Always wear a helmet when you bike, ski, and roller blade or in any other activity that puts you at risk for head and ear injuries.
  • If you scuba dive, learn and practice proper underwater techniques to avoid potentially damaging changes in pressure inside your ears.
  • When flying in an airplane, swallow and yawn frequently when the plane is ascending and descending to equalize pressure in your ears. If you have an upper respiratory problem such as a cold or sinus infection, take a decongestant a few hours before descending, or use a decongestant spray just prior to descent and on landing.
  • Earplugs with special filters can be purchased to help equalize air pressure in ears during air travel.

General Care

  • Have your ears checked regularly by your primary care physician. Have your hearing checked by an audiologist if you or anyone else questions whether your hearing is normal. Consult an ear physician as necessary.
  • When outdoors in sunny weather, remember to use a sunscreen on your ears.
  • If you notice unusual bumps or scaly areas on the exterior ear, consult your physician.
  • Know the warning signs of hearing loss:
    • Difficulty hearing conversations, especially in the presence of background noise
    • Frequently asking others to repeat what they have said
    • Misunderstanding what other people say and answering inappropriately
    • Difficulty hearing on the telephone
    • Requiring the television or radio volume to be louder than others in the room prefer
    • Feeling that people are mumbling or have marbles in their mouth when they talk
    • Difficulty hearing environmental sounds, such as birds chirping
    • Agreeing, nodding your head, or smiling during conversations when you are not sure what has been said
    • Withdrawing from conversations and social situations because it is too difficult to hear
    • Reading lips so you can try to follow what people are saying
    • Straining to hear or keep up with conversations
    • Noise within your ears or head, called tinnitus, which is not caused by an external sound source
  • See an ear doctor immediately if you injure your ears, experience ear pain, or notice changes in your ears or hearing.

Quick and Easy Remedies for Cracked Heels

Quick and Easy Remedies for Cracked Heels. ..

Flaunting your charm and beauty from head to toe; Don’t ignore your foot! Most people look at your foot when they see you first! Foot care is as essential as skin care and hair care! One of the major disturbing conditions is cracked heels. Cracked heels, the dried, peeling and flaky skin in the heel area is not just painful, but doesn’t look good! Get your quick fixes to the cracked heels in a jiffy!
Lemon and Salt Water Mask
Squeeze half of a lemon and a pinch of salt to the warm water. Place your foot and immerse in water for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can then scrub or wash the foot.
Apply glycerin
Wash the foot properly and pat it dry. Apply generous quantity of glycerin to the cracked areas. You can try this before going to bed. Leave it overnight. It is an overnight remedy and you will see remarkable difference in the morning!
Oil Massage or Vaseline
Just like glycerin, you can try applying oil or Vaseline or any moisturizing creams before you sleep! Cracked heels are caused mainly due to dry skin. Moistening the foot treats the dryness and reduces the cracks. You can try olive oil or coconut oil. For extremely dry foot, you can use almond oil.
You can add moisturizing liquids say, oils or honey or apple cider vinegar in every scrub you make at home.
Rice Scrub
Yes, rice scrub is an effective remedy for cracked heels. Grind the rice and mix the rice flour with honey or oil and apply on the foot. You can use the rice batter or rice flour (powdered rice) to make a scrub. Wash your legs after 15 minutes with warm water.
Oatmeal Scrub
Oatmeal makes a great scrub for cracked heels. Powder the oatmeal, mix with honey or oil and apply on the cracked areas.
Get pumice stone and gently exfoliate the skin.  When the skin is dry, dead skin accumulates and may cause pain. Scrub the skin with pumice stone and exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells.
Don’t soak your legs in water too much
Too much water exposure makes the skin extremely dry! Remember not to expose your foot in water frequently. It would further aggravate the cracks.
Epsom Salt Soak
Put a handful of Epsom salt in warm water and soak your feet. It soothes the skin, reduces the pain and itchiness and treats the cracks.
Develop a ritual to moisturize the skin including foot, the best way to prevent cracked heels.

4 Foods for Healthy Skin

4 Foods for Healthy Skin

Try these four foods to help keep your skin soft and prevent dry skin

Butternut Squash

This favorite (especially in the fall) is chock-full of beta-carotene and vitamin C, which are important for the production of collagen—a protein that keeps skin feeling supple.

Red Cabbage

This veggie is packed with anthocyanins—pigments that give the cabbage its deep red color and have anti-inflammatory properties—which may help prevent dry, itchy skin.


These vegetables are rich in chemicals called nitrates, which the body converts to a gas that may help improve circulation in the blood vessels.

Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds—save them when cleaning out your jack-o’-lantern for Halloween—are rich in vitamin E and zinc, both of which are involved in skin cell renewal.

Health Benefits of Eating Mushrooms

Health Benefits of Eating Mushrooms ..

Are you searching for natural remedies that can help you reach your weight loss goals, treat illnesses, and more? How about trying some natural supplements that can help you do just that. Medicinal mushrooms offer all these benefits and much more. Here, we will talk about the benefits that medicinal mushrooms offer when taken as natural supplements. As with any natural remedies, be sure to consult your doctor first before you try them. Especially if you are currently on medication for another health issue.
Medical Benefits
Medicinal mushrooms offer a plethora of medical benefits. Some of the issues that they might be able to prevent or even help treat include:
  • Preventing cancers;
  • Treating hepatitis B;
  • Helps treat asthma;
  • Can be beneficial to those with arthritis;
  • Stroke damage;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Protects your kidneys and your liver;
  • Prevent the signs of aging, even as you grow older.
A recent study done by Dr. Claudia de Moor showed that medicinal mushrooms could also help as an anti-inflammatory agent. Mushrooms are so effective at this, in fact, that they are actually show to work on a cell-by-cell level.
Other Health Benefits
Think that the benefits that natural mushroom supplements are only medicinal? Think again! Believe it or not, mushrooms are great for your overall health. They can help you with athletic performance and training and many other areas of nutrition. Some mushrooms have also been shown to boost your immune system and rid your body of toxins. Getting your blood really pumping is another common benefit of eating mushrooms on a regular basis, or just taking them as a supplement. We also highly recommend such supplements for those who are currently trying to lose weight. Studies show that those who replace meat with mushrooms once a day will lose more weight.
How It Works
So how does this work? Of course, it all depends on the type of mushrooms you decide to introduce to your diet. However, no matter how you cut it, mushrooms are truly a fantastic food to eat more of. For hundreds of years they have been used in traditional medicines as natural remedies to common issues. Medicinal mushrooms contain powerful beta-glucans that help prevent infections, and are highly nutritious. Complex carbs that are found in mushrooms can also give you an energy boost. There are lots of various supplements out there to try. You just have to find the right one for you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common health problem seen in many people. It is also known as hypertension, a chronic medical condition that occurs when there is an elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. Usually the blood pressure is measured by the systolic and diastolic movements. High blood pressure is reported if the reading is at or above 140/90 mmHg persistently.
There are many causes that may result in this health problem, some of them are stress, genetic factors, excessive intake of salt, obesity, high alcohol intake, lack of physical activity, pain killers, birth control pills, adrenal diseases, and kidney diseases etc.
Hypertension may lead to many chronic health conditions including heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and chronic kidney failures. Though there are many medicines that are prescribed to control hypertension. But there are many simple home remedies that can help you prevent and control high blood pressure.

Here are some of the natural remedies for hypertension that are available in your kitchen


Banana is the best natural remedy for blood pressure. Eat one or two bananas daily to keep your high blood pressure in control. The high potassium present in the banana will help you control the blood pressure level. It aids you to be free of cholesterol, with its low sodium levels. Apart from banana, you can also try eating spinach, dried apricots, orange juice, raisins, currants, baked sweet potatoes, winter squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe.


Garlic processes the great properties that help you get blood pressure in control. Either raw or cooked form garlic helps you in reducing cholesterol level. Whenever you have your blood pressure level high then try eating 1 – 2 slightly crushed cloves of garlic regularly. As crushed garlic cloves generate hydrogen sulfide, which helps in promoting good flow of blood, decreases the pressure on the heart and gets rid of gas. You can also take 5 to 6 drops of garlic juice mixed with 4 teaspoons of water two times a day for better results.


Celery contains high levels of 3-N-butylphthalide, which is a ‘phytochemical’ that helps you to control high blood pressure level. Eat celery regularly to see improvement in your blood pressure level. It also helps you in stress hormones reduction that constricts the blood vessels, which may lead to high BP. If you like celery then you can munch on to lower your BP or you can consume one stalk of it along with one glass of water every day.


Lemon is one of the best remedies for hypertension. It makes the blood vessels soft and flexible removing their rigidness, making the blood pressure levels low. Lemon contains high amounts of Vitamin B, so regularly consuming lemon helps you prevent for heart failure. If you are having high blood pressure then you must drink fresh lemon juice as many times as possible. Drinking one glass lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning on empty stomach is good for health. Avoid adding salt or sugar for good results.


 Honey has a soothing effect on your blood vessels and helps in reducing the pressure from the heart, in turn lowers high blood pressure. Consuming 1 or 2 tbsps of honey daily will help you in controlling hypertension. Taking two teaspoons of honey early in the morning on empty stomach is a very good option. You can otherwise mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of ginger juice and 2 teaspoons of powered cumin seeds and eat it two times a day. You can also consume the mixture of honey and basil juice on empty stomach regularly for better results.

Onion Juice:

 Onion is an effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. You can eat one raw onion (medium sized) on a daily basis or consume the mixture of honey and onion juice. Taking 1/2 teaspoon of onion juice mixed with 1/2 teaspoon honey twice every day, will aid you in reducing the blood pressure level. You can notice a good improvement in your BP levels by taking onion juice twice a day for about 1 – 2 weeks.

Cayenne Pepper:

 If you are suffering from mild hypertension then cayenne pepper is the best natural remedy you can take. It makes the blood flow smooth by preventing the blood platelets from forming clumps and prevents their accumulation in the blood. Cayenne pepper can be added to vegetable salad or fruit salad. You can even add a generous pinch of cayenne pepper powder into your soup and drink it. Use only a small pinch of cayenne pepper as it is very spicy.

Coconut Water:

It is always good to keep your body well hydrated and it is recommended if you’re suffering with high BP. Drink about 8 – 10 glasses of water every day. You can also drink tender coconut or coconut water, along with regular water for good results. Coconut water is tasty and processes nutritional values as well. They help in lowering and controlling the hypertension levels. You can improve blood pressure level by consuming coconut water regularly. You can also try using coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking.

Fenugreek Seeds:

 Fenugreek seeds are most effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. Take one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them for about 2 minutes in water. Now strain out the water from the fenugreek seeds and bled them in a fine paste. Eat one tablespoon of this paste early in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening respectively. Continue for two or three months to control and lower your blood pressure level.

Watermelon Seeds:

A compound called ‘cucurbocitrin’ that is present in Watermelon seeds widens the blood capillaries. Apart for this it also improves the kidneys functionality. It also reduces blood pressure level in arthritis. Crush 2 table spoons of dried watermelon seeds and add them to one cup of boiled water. After leaving it for about an hour, strain the seeds and take 4 tbsps of this water at regular intervals.High blood pressure is a common health problem seen in many people. It is also known as hypertension, a chronic medical condition that occurs when there is an elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. Usually the blood pressure is measured by the systolic and diastolic movements. High blood pressure is reported if the reading is at or above 140/90 mmHg persistently.
There are many causes that may result in this health problem, some of them are stress, genetic factors, excessive intake of salt, obesity, high alcohol intake, lack of physical activity, pain killers, birth control pills, adrenal diseases, and kidney diseases etc.
Hypertension may lead to many chronic health conditions including heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and chronic kidney failures. Though there are many medicines that are prescribed to control hypertension. But there are many simple home remedies that can help you prevent and control high blood pressure.

Here are some of the natural remedies for hypertension that are available in your kitchen


Banana is the best natural remedy for blood pressure. Eat one or two bananas daily to keep your high blood pressure in control. The high potassium present in the banana will help you control the blood pressure level. It aids you to be free of cholesterol, with its low sodium levels. Apart from banana, you can also try eating spinach, dried apricots, orange juice, raisins, currants, baked sweet potatoes, winter squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe.


Garlic processes the great properties that help you get blood pressure in control. Either raw or cooked form garlic helps you in reducing cholesterol level. Whenever you have your blood pressure level high then try eating 1 – 2 slightly crushed cloves of garlic regularly. As crushed garlic cloves generate hydrogen sulfide, which helps in promoting good flow of blood, decreases the pressure on the heart and gets rid of gas. You can also take 5 to 6 drops of garlic juice mixed with 4 teaspoons of water two times a day for better results.


Celery contains high levels of 3-N-butylphthalide, which is a ‘phytochemical’ that helps you to control high blood pressure level. Eat celery regularly to see improvement in your blood pressure level. It also helps you in stress hormones reduction that constricts the blood vessels, which may lead to high BP. If you like celery then you can munch on to lower your BP or you can consume one stalk of it along with one glass of water every day.


Lemon is one of the best remedies for hypertension. It makes the blood vessels soft and flexible removing their rigidness, making the blood pressure levels low. Lemon contains high amounts of Vitamin B, so regularly consuming lemon helps you prevent for heart failure. If you are having high blood pressure then you must drink fresh lemon juice as many times as possible. Drinking one glass lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning on empty stomach is good for health. Avoid adding salt or sugar for good results.


 Honey has a soothing effect on your blood vessels and helps in reducing the pressure from the heart, in turn lowers high blood pressure. Consuming 1 or 2 tbsps of honey daily will help you in controlling hypertension. Taking two teaspoons of honey early in the morning on empty stomach is a very good option. You can otherwise mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of ginger juice and 2 teaspoons of powered cumin seeds and eat it two times a day. You can also consume the mixture of honey and basil juice on empty stomach regularly for better results.

Onion Juice:

 Onion is an effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. You can eat one raw onion (medium sized) on a daily basis or consume the mixture of honey and onion juice. Taking 1/2 teaspoon of onion juice mixed with 1/2 teaspoon honey twice every day, will aid you in reducing the blood pressure level. You can notice a good improvement in your BP levels by taking onion juice twice a day for about 1 – 2 weeks.

Cayenne Pepper:

 If you are suffering from mild hypertension then cayenne pepper is the best natural remedy you can take. It makes the blood flow smooth by preventing the blood platelets from forming clumps and prevents their accumulation in the blood. Cayenne pepper can be added to vegetable salad or fruit salad. You can even add a generous pinch of cayenne pepper powder into your soup and drink it. Use only a small pinch of cayenne pepper as it is very spicy.

Coconut Water:

It is always good to keep your body well hydrated and it is recommended if you’re suffering with high BP. Drink about 8 – 10 glasses of water every day. You can also drink tender coconut or coconut water, along with regular water for good results. Coconut water is tasty and processes nutritional values as well. They help in lowering and controlling the hypertension levels. You can improve blood pressure level by consuming coconut water regularly. You can also try using coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking.

Fenugreek Seeds:

 Fenugreek seeds are most effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. Take one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them for about 2 minutes in water. Now strain out the water from the fenugreek seeds and bled them in a fine paste. Eat one tablespoon of this paste early in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening respectively. Continue for two or three months to control and lower your blood pressure level.

Watermelon Seeds:

A compound called ‘cucurbocitrin’ that is present in Watermelon seeds widens the blood capillaries. Apart for this it also improves the kidneys functionality. It also reduces blood pressure level in arthritis. Crush 2 table spoons of dried watermelon seeds and add them to one cup of boiled water. After leaving it for about an hour, strain the seeds and take 4 tbsps of this water at regular intervals.

10 Foods That Make You Smarter

10 Foods That Make You Smarter

Eating well plays a big part in enhancing physical performance, but did you know certain food choices can also enhance brain function? If your memory needs a boost, or you’re concentration is letting you down, maybe it’s time to reassess what you’re eating?

1.Egg yolk

Eggs are not only a great source of protein, the yolk also contains the memory-promoting nutrient choline. Choline is a key component of two molecules in the brain: phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. These two molecules account for a high percentage of the brain’s total mass, making choline vitally important for brain function. For maximum health benefits include up to two eggs in your diet, three to four times a week.

2. Antioxidants

Researchers believe that eating foods high in antioxidants may help delay brain aging since they help combat free radical damage. Free radicals are irregular molecular atoms, that occur naturally in the body, or externally from environmental factors such as pollution, cigarette smoke and herbicides, that attack the cells, causing the breakdown of tissues and possibly play a role in casing a number of diseases from cancer to dementia. Researchers believe that antioxidants found in brightly coloured fruits and vegetables like blueberries, carrots and avocado may help keep our brain in firing form by protecting it from oxidative damage. Other foods high in antioxidants include red kidney beans, Granny smith apples, pecans and plums.

3.Complex carbohydrates

These types of carbohydrates provide a slow release of glucose to the brain – the only sugar the brain can absorb. Glucose is required to fuel the brain cells that are responsible for concentration, memory and learning. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include wholegrain breads, oats, brown rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

4. Coffee

Your morning coffee does more than just wake you up – it also boosts your brain power. Research shows coffee improves memory and speeds up reaction times by acting on the brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for short-term memory. A lifetime of coffee consumption has even been associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a brain disease affecting memory, thought and language. So enjoy your morning cup of joe, knowing its doing your brain good.

5. Sage

Sage (Salvia) is documented in herbal encyclopedias as an agent that enhances memory. Recent studies indicate that taking sage oil can enhance improve memory performance. An easy and inexpensive way to consume sage is to make your own tea. Simply pour one cup of boiled water over two teaspoons of fresh or one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. Cover and steep for 10 minutes and strain. Fresh sage leaves should be wrapped in a moist paper towel or bag, placed in a loose plastic bag, and stored in your refrigerator.

6. Water

Your brain is made up of approximately 75 per cent water, therefore staying hydrated is absolutely vital for optimum brain performance. Health professionals believe the number one cause of memory loss, at any age, is dehydration and the simple act of drinking a large glass of water can dramatically improve brain function. Tip: start the day hydrated and get into the habit of drinking a glass of water first thing upon waking then again as soon as you get to work.

7. Oily fish

Fish contains high levels of the fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA acts like an antiinflammatory in the body, and also helps to prevent blood clotting, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke. DHA is concentrated in large amounts in the brain and is now considered a vital nutrient to enhance learning ability and mental development. Fish that contain the highest levels of fatty acids include tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout and sardines.

8. Kelp

Kelp is a sea vegetable (seaweed) high in magnesium, calcium and iodine. Iodine is necessary for normal growth and development of the brain and body. Because the body does not make iodine, it must be obtained from the diet. Kelp is the most abundant, iodine-rich sea vegetable. Other rich sources of iodine include seafood, dairy products, plants grown in iodine-rich soil and iodized table salt. Severe iodine deficiency has long been known to cause mental impairment, stunted growth and learning problems in children.

9. Cacao

Cacao is chocolate in its purest form, free from sugar, dairy and other processed ingredients. It’s considered a superfood since it contains huge amounts of antioxidants, as well as a compound called epicatechin. Scientists are now discovering the combination of exercise and a diet high in epicatechin promotes functional changes in a part of the brain that supports learning and memory. What does this mean for the rest of us? We can keep our mind sharp with a cup of hot cacao (hold the marshmallows) as a guilt-free treat, or add a scoop of cacao powder to your breakfast smoothie.

10. Walnuts

Interestingly a shelled walnut looks remarkably like a miniature brain; it’s like nature’s way of reminding us to eat these little wonders for brain nourishment. Walnuts are packed with essential fatty acids, critical for brain and nervous system performance. The brain is a very fatty organ and requires adequate amounts of these fatty acids for optimum function and cognition. Add walnuts to your morning porridge or enjoy a handful as a snack.

20 Best Home Remedies For Good Health Using Food..

20 Best Home Remedies For Good Health Using Food..

  • Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for heart and useful for people suffering from low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)
  • One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (tulsi) leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers.
  • Sucking a piece of Clove after meal helps in reducing acidity problem.
  • A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems.
  • Headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice.  Just one glass a day works wonders…
  • Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings.  I have been a migraine patient for past 10 years and this one worked most for me.
  • Open 6 dates and boil in 1/2 liter of milk for 25 minutes over low heat. Drink three cups a day.  This is ultimate dry cough remedy.
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat.
  • Eat before breakfast half cup of cooked beets if you suffer from chronic constipation or indigestion.
  • Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours.
  • Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes and neck for fifteen minutes is very beneficial for acne and blackheads.
  • A simple remedy for Anemia or iron deficiency –  Pound 3-4 soft dates with milk and add a little ghee in it.  Eating this mixture will help to prevent Anemia.
  • Home Remedy to Cure Dark Circles-   Tomato paste is one of the most effective remedies for dark circles. You can make it easily at home. Take one or two fresh tomatoes, one tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of gram flour and turmeric powder. Blend these ingredients nicely until they become a thick paste and apply it very gently around your eyes. Rinse it off gently with clean water after 10 or 20 minutes. Repeating this process twice or thrice every week will make your skin tone around your eyes lighter and will eventually make your dark circles go away completely.
  • Best natural remedy for sore throat is to gargle with turmeric and salt. Mix:  ½ cup of warm water ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp powdered turmeric  After you gargle, don’t drink or eat anything for at least ½ hr for the salt and turmeric to do their job of killing bacteria. You can repeat this as often as you need throughout the day.
  • A drop garlic juice into your ear helps to relieve the pain of an ear infection.
  • A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice applied underarms will reduce body odor.
  • Add a few fennel seeds in a pot of hot water, and then boil it for five minutes on a low temperature. Strain the solution and then drink it. You can also chew the fresh fennel leafy plants if you can bear the taste. Else you can take a mixture of fennel, cardamom and mint leaves and boil them in water to make a concoction that can help during stomach gas.  This is very effective Home Remedy for Gas and Bloating.
  • Lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet and it also contains nutrients like Vitamin B, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Lemon juice with warm water can also help eliminate waste in your system and serve as a Liver tonic. Daily intake of lemon water has several health benefits: It keeps your stomach healthy; acts as cure for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression.
  • When you suffer from a hangover ,a banana milkshake with honey can give you immense relief. Cold milk soothes the stomach lining and bananas with honey build up depleted blood sugar levels.
  • Home Remedies Treatment for Cough –  For severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoon of this mixture is taken once every three hours will treat excessive coughing.