10 Health Benefits of Amla Juice
1. Natural Remedy Against Diseases:
The best way to consume amla is by extracting its juice. Drinking gooseberry juice on a regular basis acts as a natural remedy against many diseases.
2. Aids Digestions:
Amla juice is a healthy drink to energize you at any time of the day. It breaks down proteins, making digestion more efficient. Amla juice also neutralizes acidity in the stomach with its cooling properties.
3. Rich Source of Vitamin C:
Amla juice is rich in Vitamin C. A glass of amla juice contains almost fifteen times more Vitamin C than a glass of orange juice.
4. Strengthens Body & Mind:
Take amla juice in between meals to dispel weakness of the body and mind.
5. Improves Vision:
Amla contains several essential nutrients required for improving the eyesight. Drinking amla juice with honey reduces intra-ocular tension, improving vision.
6. Cures Bleeding Nose:
Add a few drops of amla juice to the nostrils to cure a bleeding nose.
7. Strengthens Teeth & Nails:
Amla juice helps to strengthen your teeth and nails.
8. Heals Menstrual Sickness:
Amla juice also helps to reduce menstrual disorders and cramps.
9. Cures Anemia:
The high levels of iron in amla juice prevents anemia by increasing the hemoglobin levels in the body.
10. Lowers Fat Content:
Amla juice is found to be very effective in lowering the fat content in the body.
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