Tuesday, May 24, 2016

12 Signs of Uncontrolled Diabetes

12 Signs of Uncontrolled Diabetes

Blood tests tell you and your doctor when your glucose levels are too high. But signs of uncontrolled diabetes can appear all over your body. High blood glucose can damage nerves, blood vessels, and organs, resulting in a wide array of symptoms. Talk with your doctor if you spot any of them, so you can stay in control of your diabetes and improve your quality of life. 

 1. Your bowels and bladder don’t work properly.

Nerve damage can make it hard to tell when you need to use the bathroom, even when your bladder is full.As a result, you may develop frequent bladder infections. Constipation and diarrhea occur if nerves to the small intestine sustain damage. And your stomach may lose the ability to move food through your digestive system, causing vomiting and bloating.

2. You lose your hearing.

Sound travels a complex path from the outside world to your brain. Many small blood vessels and nerves in your ear play a role in transmission. High blood glucose can damage these vessels and nerves, making hearing loss twice as common in people with diabetes.

3. Your gums bleed.

Besides bleeding, you may notice your gums pull back and form pockets around your teeth. This is a sign of periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease. Without treatment, you may begin to lose teeth. And in a vicious cycle, gum infections can make blood glucose harder to control.


4. Your mouth is dry or sore.

High blood glucose robs your mouth of moisture. You may develop pain, sores, infections, and cavities as a result. Prevent oral problems linked to diabetes by brushing properly and visiting your dentist every six months. Also, quit smoking and clean dentures regularly, if you have them.

5. Your vision changes.

You may notice you have trouble reading, or you see rings around lights at nighttime. Fluctuations occur in how clearly you can see at near and distance. Your vision may blur, and dark spots or flashing lights may appear in your field of view. Also, it may take longer for your eyes to adjust when you move from dark places into bright light.

6. Your skin cracks, itches, or changes.

Your body retains less moisture when you have high blood glucose, leaving your skin dry and itchy. Cracks allow bacteria to penetrate the skin and cause infections that heal slowly. Other signs may erupt on your skin, including dark velvety patches, blisters, rashes, scales, or hard pea-sized lumps. Some areas may turn stiff, waxy, cool, or hairless.

7. Your hands and feet tingle or feel numb.

Nerve damage disrupts signals between your extremities and your brain. You may feel a pins-and-needles sensation, but not heat, cold, pain, or even pressure on your feet when walking. The muscles in your legs and feet may weaken, leaving you unsteady.

8. Or, your hands and feet frequently hurt.

In other cases, frayed nerves send scrambled messages, triggering sensations out of sync with external stimuli. Even a light blanket on your feet may cause you to ache, especially at night. Also, you may experience extreme hot or cold sensations, or feel like you’re wearing gloves and socks when you’re not.

9. Your legs cramp or ache.

Circulation problems can cause your calves, thighs, or buttocks to hurt when you’re walking or doing other physical activities. This pain may decrease with rest. Still, report it to your doctor. You may need to take extra steps to protect your blood vessels.

10. Sex becomes difficult.

Intimate parts of your body aren’t immune from nerve damage. Men may have trouble getting or maintaining an erection. Women may experience vaginal dryness or notice they don’t feel aroused or have orgasms as easily. However, these changes don’t diminish sexual desire.

11. You sweat differently.

Some diabetics sweat more frequently, especially at night or while they’re eating. Others stop sweating entirely, even in extreme heat. Check your feet—if the skin there is very dry, your sweat glands probably aren’t functioning properly.

12. You feel dizzy and lightheaded.

You may faint when you stand up too quickly. Your heart may beat too fast. If these symptoms develop suddenly or come with shortness of breath, chest pain, slurred speech, or vision loss, get help immediately. Blood flow to your heart or brain may have slowed or stopped.

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